Sunday, January 2, 2011

Me just me all that's here is me

Hi, this is my blog and i'm not a writer. there will be random capalization spelling and grammer mistakes up the ying yang. i will only quickly glance at it for some mistakes no promises though if that type of stuff bothers you i'll direct you to the first sentence. i don't know why i am starting this blog i really have nothing to talk about or say. i will not change the world nor do i expect anyone to read it. my wife lets call her katie because thats her name. i will not self importance myself by changing any names. katie will hate this blog because she is a writer and i am not. so to katie i'm sorry. anyway sorry i am being rude and not addressing everyone that will be reading this. ok i welcomed you and warned you so all that leaves is writing. Yuck! (2 capitalizations) i'm done.


  1. great and here i am trying to put that very thought into many entrees and you sum it up in three words
